Angry Drunks: Unraveling the Psychology Behind Their Behavior

why does alcohol make people angry

We can also help you find a support group, understand alcohol use disorders, and discover local treatment options in your area. If you recognize mean drunk tendencies in yourself, there are strategies you can employ to manage your alcohol consumption and behavior. To date there are no studies that directly investigate whether alcohol-induced aggressive behavior can be reduced through training in cognitive functions. An understanding of individual risk factors may contribute to providing treatments tailored to individual problems.

why does alcohol make people angry

Get Help Alleviating Anger During Alcohol Withdrawal

Some of the data collected reports that alcohol-related aggressive behaviors are involved in men who try to kill their partners. When someone struggling with alcohol abuse feels these above symptoms, they often drink more to alleviate feelings of anxiety or depression, leading to even more harmful symptoms and drinking. Controlling this limbic response is one of the most critical functions of the frontal cortex of the brain. The prefrontal cortex of the brain is the one that encourages us to consider non-violent responses to a threat.

The Experience Blog

why does alcohol make people angry

Support groups and 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous can also provide much-needed help. These communities offer peer support, allowing individuals to share experiences and gain insights from others who’ve battled similar issues. It’s also worth mentioning how our cultural norms factor into this equation. In societies where aggression is linked to masculinity, you’ll often find higher rates of alcohol-related violence. This isn’t because men are inherently more aggressive—it’s due to societal expectations and conditioning.

Alcohol can Cause Aggression

We can help answer your questions and guide you to take the best step forward. Having a short temper also means it is easier to ruin relationships by getting angry over petty things or taking out your stress on a loved one. If this sounds familiar, you may wish to involve your family why does alcohol make people angry in your therapy as well.

why does alcohol make people angry

Alcohol and Its Effects on Mental Health

why does alcohol make people angry

When a threat is considered life-threatening, limbic activation shuts down, and our body goes into fight mode to promote quick reactions and efficient fighting. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood, plays a significant role in controlling our limbic response. However, alcohol can negatively impact our brain’s ability to determine whether a threat is life-or-death, mainly by affecting levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain. Alcohol also impairs our judgment and our ability to make rational decisions. Some studies highlight the impairment caused by alcohol consumption on processing emotional faces.

  • “We don’t view people as responsible when they’ve been drinking,” White tells WebMD.
  • It is produced by the fermentation of sugars and starches, which is a process that breaks down the sugars and starches into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
  • Aggression is promoted both by the cognitive deficits arising in connection with acute or chronic alcohol use and by prior experience of violence in particular situations where alcohol was drunk.
  • One third of people said that drinking spirits made them feel angry, or susceptible to aggressive urges.

In these cases, they may benefit from attending an outpatient Substance abuse program. Instead of sleeping at the treatment center, they will go home each night. Then, they will return several days a week for therapy and ongoing support. After detox, people often choose to pursue inpatient or outpatient treatment programs.

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